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Open Access Online Resources

Sr. NoE-ResourceDescriptionLink
1National Digital Library of IndiaThe National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a virtual library providing search and browse functionality as well as a number of other services for the learning community.
2DELNETDELNET encourages resource sharing among the member libraries by gathering, storing, and disseminating information. It also offers networked services to researchers and academics to support their research activity.
3KopyKitab Digital LibraryKopyKitab Digital Library Access educational materials tailored for your needs at KopyKitab Digital Library.
4N-LISTStudents, researchers, and professors from colleges and other beneficiary institutions have immediate access to e-resources via the National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST) directly from the publisher's website.
5DISHTAVOThe online learning initiative by Directorate of Higher Education(DHE), Government of Goa, named "Digital Integrated System for Holistic Teaching And Virtual Orientations" (DISHTAVO) is comprehensive and holistic as it addresses different programs of study such as; BA, B.Sc etc under the Goa University, Goa at the UG and PG level.
6Department of Printing and StationeryThe main activity of the Department is the printing and publication of the offical Gazette — the official organ of the Government — brought out weekly on every Thursday. wherein the Central and Local Acts enacted by the Parliament and the State Assembly from time to time are published, for general information and guidance of the public and for their enforcement by the Departments concerned. The Official Gazette is published in three Series, namely Series I, Series II, Series III. In addition, Extraordinary and Supplementary Gazettes are brought out as and when requested for by the Department concerned depending upon the urgency and the public interest.
7Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar is an academic search engine that is “intelligent.” It prioritizes the most critical research using machine learning, making it easier to find relevant literature. In its own words, Semantic Scholar “cuts through the clutter” by using influential citations, pictures, and critical keywords.
8e-PG Pathshalae-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC.
9SWAYAMSWAYAM is an acronym that stands for "Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds". It is an Indian Massive open online course platform.
10MOOC.orgThe traditional classroom is limited in how many students it can serve, but millions of people around the world want — and need — quality education. MOOCs are massive open online courses. The concept, spearheaded by edX, began as an opportunity for organizations to offer online courses to students all over the world, in the millions, for free.
11NPTELNPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning), is a joint venture of the IITs and IISc, funded by the Ministry of Education (MoE) Government of India, and was launched in 2003. Initially started as a project to take quality education to all corners of the country, NPTEL now offers close to 600+ courses for certification every semester in about 22 disciplines.
12OPACAn OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.
13DOAJHigh-quality, peer-reviewed, open access journals are indexed and made accessible by the DOAJ, a community-curated web directory. Free services offered by the DOAJ include being indexed. Data are all openly accessible.
14DOABThe DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that aids users in locating reputable open access book publishers while indexing and providing access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access publications. All DOAB offerings are cost-free, and all data is publicly accessible.
15OpenDOARThe world's directory of open access repositories with quality assurance is called OpenDOAR. Based on a variety of criteria, like location, software, or the type of content kept, you can search and browse through hundreds of registered repositories.
16ShodhgangaThe Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Center offers research students a platform to deposit their doctoral theses and make them open access to the whole academic community.
ETDs provided by researchers can be indexed, stored, distributed, and preserved by the repository.
17Goa University LibraryThe Institutional Repository @ Goa University (IR@GU) was designed with the aim of gathering, preserving, and disseminating the publications produced by Goa University staff and students.
18The Indian Academy of Sciences The Indian Academy of Sciences was founded with the intention of advancing science and defending its cause. The Academy now publishes 12 science periodicals in a variety of fields.
19Indian Culture Indian Culture is a project of the Ministry of Culture that recognises the ongoing need to position itself for the digital future. a website that hosts information with cultural significance from numerous institutions and repositories around India.
20arXivFor 1,990,803 scholarly publications in the areas of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics, there is a free distribution service and open-access archive called arXiv.
21ERICMany different types of journal sources are indexed by ERIC. An accepted journal source's coverage is evaluated by looking at three to five current issues throughout the source review process, but it is always possible to update it.
22Science OpenScholars can improve their research in the open, have an influence, and get credit for it using the interactive features of Science Open, a discovery platform. In order to get academics even closer to the content than before, it offers publishers context building services.
23SSRNThe eLibrary at SSRN offers 1,062,521 research papers from 689,540 authors across more than
24Public Library of Science (PLOS) Public Library of Science (PLOS) is a nonprofit, Open Access publisher that enables scientists and doctors with the tools they need to advance knowledge by transforming the way that research is shared.
25PaperityThe first multidisciplinary database of Open Access journals and papers is called Paperity
26JurnFor searching and downloading free fulltext academic publications, use the free internet search engine Jurn.
27DryadA global openaccess archive of research data, in particular the data that supports scientific and medical articles, is called Dryad.
28Semantic ScholarThe Allen Institute for AI created Semantic Scholar, a search engine supported by artificial intelligence, which was made available to the public in November 2015.
29Registry of Research Data Repositories An open science service called the Registry of Research Data Repositories gives researchers, funding agencies, libraries, and publishers a list of all the current international repositories for research data.
30The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is a global organisation devoted to fostering the adoption, development, usage, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs).
31DART-EuropeA consortium of national and university libraries and consortia called DART-Europe was established in 2005 to increase access to European research theses around the world.
32Project Gutenberg Over 60,000 free eBooks can be found in the Project Gutenberg collection. Free Kindle and Epub eBooks are available for download or online reading. The best literature in the world can be found here, with an emphasis on older works whose U.S. copyright has passed away. The eBooks were painstakingly digitised and proofread by thousands of volunteers for your enjoyment.
33Rare Book HubThe Rare Book Hub provides resources for book sellers and collectors, with a focus on hard-to-find, out-of-print, and collectible (collectable) books.
34United States Department of AgricultureAgricola is National Agricultural Library Online Catalog maintained by United States Department of Agriculture
35Google Scholar Google Scholar is a free, publicly available web search engine that catalogues the full text or metadata of academic publications
36National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER)National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) by Ministry of Education offers resources for all school subjects and grades in multiple languages. You can access educational videos, audio, images, documents and interactive modules. Information about NROER and resource contribution is also
37SakshatSakshat is one stop education portal for 50 crore users. The portal has five functional modules, e-books, e-journals, digital repository and digital library.

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