1 | Navhind Times | https://epaper.navhindtimes.in/ |
2 | Herald | http://epaper.heraldgoa.in/ |
3 | The Goan | http://epaper.thegoan.net/ |
4 | Bhaangar Bhuin | https://epaper.thegoan.net/3620321/BHAANGARBHUIN/BHAANGARBHUIN#page/1/1 |
5 | Tarun Bharat | https://epaper.tarunbharat.com/ |
6 | The Hindu | https://epaper.thehindu.com/login |
7 | The Indian Express | https://epaper.thehindu.com/login |
8 | The Times of India | https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/ |
9 | Readwhere.com | https://www.readwhere.com/newspapers |
10 | Onlinenewspapers.com | https://onlinenewspapers.com/index.shtml |
| Magazines | |
1 | Down To Earth | https://www.downtoearth.org.in/ |
2 | Magzter | https://www.magzter.com/top-free-magazines |
3 | Manorama Online | https://subscribe.manoramaonline.com/ |
4 | All you can read | https://www.allyoucanread.com/magazines/#gsc.tab=0 |
5 | Health | https://www.health.com/ |
6 | Discover | https://www.discovermagazine.com/ |
7 | Downmagaz | https://downmagaz.net/ |
8 | JioNews | https://jionews.com/magazines |
9 | Daily | https://daily.jstor.org/ |
10 | MYSUBS | https://mysubs.in/top-magazines |